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Astrid 3.1.0
- linkify task titles and notes (supports URLs, phone numbers, e-mail addresses)
- fixed widget not updating when task completed
- added help links
- fixed bug where repeating tasks won't increment
- when repeating task, task timer is cleared, and recurrence is cleared from old task
- moved priority bar to left side
- fixed desktop shortcuts of tags with a space force closing
- updated to latest translations from launchpad
- pressing q,w,e,r in task list now launches filtering instead of changing priority
- made the 'Astrid Notifications' settings menu item work
- added fixed-time alarms to Add-Ons tab
- tags starting with underscore are hidden from "active tasks"
- swipe gesture L=>R for activating filters screen
- fixed date formatting missing months and weekdays on HTC desire
- fixed alpha sort separating capitalized from lowercase tasks
- disabled astrid move to SD card (it breaks widgets and alarms)
- fixed losing tags when rotating task edit screen